Process M2Friend

Whether you’re developing a business presentation, embarking on a new website, or using us to handle your day-to-day communications needs, we apply a focused process that targets high-quality results.

  • Discover
  • Devise
  • Develop
  • Disseminate

This is the project orientation phase: We delve in deep to understand your business and competition, consider intended messaging, define specific goals and audiences for the project, discuss timeline and budget, and agree on a basic work plan. Based on the findings, we develop a project brief or proposal for approval prior to commencing work.

With a solid foundation established from the Discover phase, we move on to explore potential solutions. At this stage, we could be generating a draft press release or developing design concepts for a website. In our experience, the value of investing sufficient thought and time into this phase will be evident in the finished product.

Once a solution is approved, we focus on making it a reality. The deliverables of this phase might include a working website, final version of a press release with associated distribution strategy and talking points, or final artwork ready to be printed. This phase includes quality assurance steps such as final testing, proofreading, and fact-checking.

The final phase of the process focuses on implementing the deliverables, whether that means distributing and following up on a press release, launching a completed website, or handing over a completed slide template system. There's nothing we love more than seeing a finished project go out the door and get to work!